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SSVM Missions

Support the Missions of the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará

Man Needs Others.

On coming into the world, man is not equipped with everything he needs for developing his bodily and spiritual life. He needs others.

No man is an island. Each person depends on their family, friends, and society.

Each individual has differences tied to their age, physical abilities, intellectual aptitudes, the benefits derived from social commerce, and the distribution of wealth.

Our need for others is especially evident when we think of the beginning of our life and the end of our life. As babies, we cannot do anything for ourselves. As infants and toddlers, we depend on our parents for everything. As youth, we depend on our educators to form us well.

As adults we exercise greater independence, while still depending on others to cooperate in meeting our daily needs. As we grow older, we begin to depend more and more on the help of others.

At SSVM Missions, we know that man needs others. We also know that many people across the world experience needs that their society has not been able to fulfill. We work to bridge this gap, to help more and more indivuduals life a truly human life, and to honor the dignity of every human individual.


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