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SSVM Missions

Support the Missions of the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará

Feet on the Ground

Real People. Real Challenges. Real Triumphs.

Being a Good Neighbor

What does it mean to respect the human person? it means that we look upon your neighbor as another self. To truly respect another, we consider their life and how they can live with dignity. This is not just a question of new laws or better implementation of existing laws. No law will effectively abolish the fears, prejudices, pride and selfishness that separate men from living as brothers. Such behavior… Read More »Being a Good Neighbor


Fortitude is the virtue that makes us firm in difficulties and constant in seeking the good. It strengthens us to overcome obstacles in life. In the Feet on the Ground Project, we need to be full of fortitude because we are often sent to very difficult missions, where no one else can go, or wants to go. fortitude enables us to conquer fear, even fear of death, and to face… Read More »Fortitude

Black or Blue?

Ever wonder why the sisters wear so many colors? Traditionally, missionaries in Ukraine wear black, so when we opened our first mission in Ukraine 25 years ago, we began to wear black as well. In the #FeetontheGround project, we have several missions in war zones. Want to support this project? Visit our website! #Paypal:

The Truth will set them free!

This month, we celebrated graduation at our Stella Matutina primary school in Tanzania. These students are the 4th class to graduate from our school. It is very difficult to receive a good education in Tanzania, especially for those who live in remote villages. We seek to provide a safe and familial environment where our students can learn and be free! The Truth will set them free! Please consider supporting the… Read More »The Truth will set them free!

Thanks for helping the sisters in Philadelphia!

Thank you to all of those who collected food to support the Feet on the Ground Project in Philadelphia! This Feet on the Ground mission is located in one of the poorest and most dangerous parts of Philadelphia. At SSVM Missions, we want to go where no one else will go!