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SSVM Missions

Apoya a las Misiones de las Servidoras del Señor y de la Virgen de Matará

misiones ssvm

Summer arrives in Ukraine

Finally the snow is gone and our children in the Ukraine can go out in the warm weather. A nice day for a community outing. Pray Pray for the Projects.  Read the Blogs to inspire your Prayer. Volunteer Volunteer in the Projects.  Go to Our Volunteer Site to choose Where, how, when.  Donate Donate to the Projects.  Donate material goods.  Make a financial Gift. 

Icon Workshops for a Culture of Art

In Ukraine, the houses of studies held a workshop on icon painting.  The study of art elevates the culture and produces fruit in the different projects that our sisters will undertake. The course of Icon painting required materials and paints unique to icons, such as special brush fibers and homemade tempera paints with yolk and crushed natural pigments.  The introduction to icon painting included the history and theory of icon… Leer más »Icon Workshops for a Culture of Art

20 Years of Building Foundations in the USA

In Thanksgiving for the First Twenty Years of the Juniorate “Immaculate Heart of Mary” in Washington, DC: 2001-2021 Our Province of the Immaculate Conception (USA, Canada, Guyana, Suriname, and Mexico) has been blessed to have a Juniorate (2001), a Novitiate (1998) and now a Contemplative Novitiate (2020) as well. In this year, we give thanks to God for these past twenty years of the Juniorate “Immaculate Heart of Mary” by… Leer más »20 Years of Building Foundations in the USA

15th Anniversary of the Home for Children in Bethlehem

June 24th, 2020 Bethlehem, Palestine This magnificent work of mercy so dear to us, that today gives a home to 35 children with disabilities, celebrates its 15th anniversary today. To all those who, by their daily dedication, teach us that “love is caring for the other and to be occupied with the other”[2], we give our most sincere thanks and congratulations because “this is how history is directed, even silently… Leer más »15th Anniversary of the Home for Children in Bethlehem

“Alegría Que Aquí Se Respira”

Febrero 2, 2021 Abrimos nuestra residencia para estudiantes universitarias en Suiza.  Nuestra principal intención es ofrecer formación humana, espiritual, moral e intelectual a las chicas universitarias que vienen a Lausanne a realizar sus estudios. Las chicas vienen de Francia, Suiza y otros países. Han elegido esta residencia por el ambiente de familia y de alegría que aquí se respira.