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SSVM Missions

Apoya a las Misiones de las Servidoras del Señor y de la Virgen de Matará


Ayudar a las madres solteras en Ucrania

At SSVM Missions, we offer our entire lives to Courageously do the good. We choose to serve God and our Neighbor in all circumstances, no matter how difficult. This week, we want to share with you one of our missions from the Filia Project in Horokholina, Ukraine. As you know, life in Ukraine became much more difficult after the Russian invasion in February 2022. Many families have suffered great Trial.… Leer más »Ayudar a las madres solteras en Ucrania

Apoyar a las mujeres embarazadas en Filipinas

At the Filia Project we are here to support women. Many girls and women around the world become pregnant without the resources they need to carry their child or raise a family. These women courageously choose the good by giving the gift of live to their babies, in spite of many challenges. We want to support and empower these women by providing the resources they need during their pregnancy. Our… Leer más »Apoyar a las mujeres embarazadas en Filipinas